Project Number Date
WordPress 1.0.3fa221 12 Jul 2022, 21:30

Tag Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Tag Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
@Regression 338 0 0 0 0 338 61 0 61 31.146 Passed
Feature: Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.251
When I make a request to retrieve all categories 0.245
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of categories 0.001
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.243
When I make a request to create a category with the following query params 0.268
TestNG Category Example
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 201 Created" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper name should be returned 0.008
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.592
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.549
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.525
When I make a request to retrieve a category 0.258
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper category id should be returned 0.017
And proper name should be returned 0.005
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.537
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.514
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.247
When I make a request to update a category with the following query params 0.253
name description
TestNG Category Updated TestNG Category Description
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper category id should be returned 0.025
And proper name should be returned 0.005
And proper description should be returned 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.507
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.489
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.243
When I make a request to delete a category 0.237
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And the category should be deleted 0.006
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.286
When I make a request to retrieve all categories 0.246
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of categories 0.013
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.264
When I make a request to create a category with the following query params 0.226
TestNG Category Example Subscriber
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
And response should be invalid and have a body with the following values 0.011
code message
rest_cannot_create Sorry, you are not allowed to create terms in this taxonomy.
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.535
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.235
When I make a request to retrieve a category 0.234
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper category id should be returned 0.005
And proper name should be returned 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.541
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.495
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.251
When I make a request to update a category with the following query params 0.239
name description
TestNG Category Subscriber Updated TestNG Category Subscriber Description
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
And response should be invalid and have a body with the following values 0.012
code message
rest_cannot_update Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this term.
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.630
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.513
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.255
When I make a request to delete a category 0.228
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.002
And response should be invalid and have a body with the following values 0.036
code message
rest_cannot_delete Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this term.
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.491
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Comments
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.252
When I make a request to retrieve all comments 0.230
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of comments 0.001
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Comments
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.236
When I make a request to create a comment with the following query params 0.251
post author_name author_email content
1 A WordPress Commenter wapuu@wordpress.example TestNG Comment Example
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 201 Created" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper postID should be returned 0.008
And proper author_name should be returned 0.006
And proper content should be returned 0.007
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.afterCreateAComment() 0.579
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Comments
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.beforeRetrieveAComment() 0.468
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.241
When I make a request to retrieve a comment 0.258
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper comment id should be returned 0.024
And proper postID should be returned 0.012
And proper author_name should be returned 0.004
And proper content of a retrieve comment should be returned 0.008
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.afterCreateAComment() 0.492
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Comments
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.beforeRetrieveAComment() 0.494
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.253
When I make a request to update a comment with the following query params 0.235
author_name content
A TestNG Commenter Updated TestNG Comment Updated
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper comment id should be returned 0.006
And proper author_name should be returned 0.004
And proper content should be returned 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.afterCreateAComment() 0.585
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Comments
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.beforeRetrieveAComment() 0.489
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.238
When I make a request to delete a comment 0.226
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper comment id should be returned 0.007
And comment should be deleted 0.005
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.afterCreateAComment() 0.536
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Comments
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.242
When I make a request to retrieve all comments 0.223
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of comments 0.001
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Comments
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.277
When I make a request to create a comment with the following query params 0.235
post author_name author_email content
1 A WordPress Subscriber wapuu@wordpress.example TestNG Comment Subscriber
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 201 Created" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper postID should be returned 0.007
And proper author_name should be returned 0.022
And proper content should be returned 0.005
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.afterCreateAComment() 0.516
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Comments
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.beforeRetrieveAComment() 0.502
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.237
When I make a request to retrieve a comment 0.272
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
And response should be invalid and have a body with the following values 0.010
code message
rest_cannot_read Sorry, you are not allowed to read this comment.
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.afterCreateAComment() 0.513
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Comments
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.beforeRetrieveAComment() 0.521
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.242
When I make a request to update a comment with the following query params 0.239
author_name content
A TestNG Subscriber Updated TestNG Subscriber Comment Updated
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
And response should be invalid and have a body with the following values 0.020
code message
rest_cannot_edit Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this comment.
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.afterCreateAComment() 0.469
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Comments
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.beforeRetrieveAComment() 0.488
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.251
When I make a request to delete a comment 0.253
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
And response should be invalid and have a body with the following values 0.017
code message
rest_cannot_delete Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this comment.
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CommentsFeatureHooks.afterCreateAComment() 0.540
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Pages
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.255
When I make a request to retrieve all pages 0.220
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of pages 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Pages
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.245
When I make a request to retrieve all pages 0.237
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of pages 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Pages
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.239
When I make a request to create a page with the following query params 0.248
content title excerpt
TestNG WordPress Page Content TestNG WordPress Title TestNG WordPress Excerpt
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 201 Created" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And page content should be correct 0.007
And page title should be correct 0.004
And page excerpt should be correct 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.afterCreateAPageFeature() 0.516
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Pages
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPageFeature() 0.510
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.228
When I make a request to retrieve a page 0.248
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper page id should be returned 0.006
And page content should be correct 0.004
And page title should be correct 0.004
And page excerpt should be correct 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.afterCreateAPageFeature() 0.491
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Pages
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPageFeature() 0.570
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.264
When I make a request to update a page with the following query params 0.267
content title excerpt
TestNG WordPress Content Updated TestNG WordPress Title Updated TestNG WordPress Excerpt Updated
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper page id should be returned 0.004
And page content should be correct 0.005
And page title should be correct 0.004
And page excerpt should be correct 0.005
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.afterCreateAPageFeature() 0.527
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Pages
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPageFeature() 0.490
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.257
When I make a request to delete a page 0.265
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And page should be deleted 0.005
And proper page id should be returned 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Pages
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPageFeature() 0.469
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.235
When I make a request to create a page with the following query params 0.233
content title excerpt
TestNG WordPress Page Content TestNG WordPress Title TestNG WordPress Excerpt
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.afterCreateAPageFeatureAsSub() 0.509
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Pages
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPageFeature() 0.488
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.237
When I make a request to retrieve a page 0.257
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.afterCreateAPageFeatureAsSub() 0.501
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Pages
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPageFeature() 0.491
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.246
When I make a request to update a page with the following query params 0.250
content title excerpt
TestNG WordPress Content Updated TestNG WordPress Title Updated TestNG WordPress Excerpt Updated
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.afterCreateAPageFeatureAsSub() 0.479
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Pages
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PagesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPageFeature() 0.481
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.255
When I make a request to delete a page 0.258
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.280
When I make a request to retrieve all posts 0.281
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of posts 0.001
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.332
When I make a request to retrieve all posts 0.245
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of posts 0.001
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.275
When I make a request to create a post with the following query params 0.252
content title excerpt
TestNG WordPress Post Content TestNG WordPress Title TestNG WordPress Excerpt
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 201 Created" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And content should be correct 0.009
And title should be correct 0.009
And excerpt should be correct 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.afterCreateAPostFeature() 0.513
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPostFeature() 0.553
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.273
When I make a request to retrieve a post 0.251
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper post id should be returned 0.006
And content should be correct 0.004
And title should be correct 0.004
And excerpt should be correct 0.003
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.afterCreateAPostFeature() 0.498
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPostFeature() 0.489
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.248
When I make a request to update a post with the following query params 0.231
content title excerpt
TestNG WordPress Content Updated TestNG WordPress Title Updated TestNG WordPress Excerpt Updated
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper post id should be returned 0.005
And content should be correct 0.003
And title should be correct 0.005
And excerpt should be correct 0.003
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.afterCreateAPostFeature() 0.509
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPostFeature() 0.485
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.227
When I make a request to delete a post 0.243
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And post should be deleted 0.005
And proper post id should be returned 0.006
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPostFeature() 0.482
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.246
When I make a request to create a post with the following query params 0.231
content title excerpt
TestNG WordPress Post Content TestNG WordPress Title TestNG WordPress Excerpt
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.afterCreateAPostFeatureAsSubscriber() 0.503
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPostFeature() 0.498
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.233
When I make a request to retrieve a post 0.241
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.afterCreateAPostFeatureAsSubscriber() 0.465
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPostFeature() 0.500
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.235
When I make a request to update a post with the following query params 0.229
content title excerpt
TestNG WordPress Content Updated TestNG WordPress Title Updated TestNG WordPress Excerpt Updated
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.afterCreateAPostFeatureAsSubscriber() 0.594
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAPostFeature() 0.494
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.231
When I make a request to delete a post 0.229
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.PostsFeatureHook.afterCreateAPostFeatureAsSubscriber() 0.507
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Tags
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.240
When I make a request to retrieve all tags 0.241
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of tags 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Tags
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.264
When I make a request to create a tag with the following query params 0.235
TestNG Tag Example
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 201 Created" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper tag name should be correct 0.005
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.TagsFeatureHook.afterCreateATag() 0.490
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Tags
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.TagsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveATag() 0.510
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.261
When I make a request to retrieve a tag 0.243
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper tag id should be returned 0.006
And proper tag name should be correct 0.021
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.TagsFeatureHook.afterCreateATag() 0.497
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Tags
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.TagsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveATag() 0.516
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.269
When I make a request to update a tag with the following query params 0.252
name description
TestNG Tag Updated TestNG Tag Description
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper tag id should be returned 0.008
And proper tag name should be correct 0.003
And proper tag description should be returned 0.003
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.TagsFeatureHook.afterCreateATag() 0.506
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Tags
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.TagsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveATag() 0.507
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.244
When I make a request to delete a tag 0.233
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And the tag should be deleted 0.005
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Tags
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.252
When I make a request to retrieve all tags 0.263
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of tags 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Tags
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.TagsFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveATag() 0.507
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.231
When I make a request to retrieve a tag 0.232
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper tag id should be returned 0.004
And proper tag name should be correct 0.003
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.TagsFeatureHook.afterCreateATag() 0.491
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.231
When I make a request to retrieve all types 0.226
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of types 0.036
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.240
When I make a request to retrieve all types 0.225
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of types 0.038
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.238
When I make a request to retrieve a post type 0.225
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.002
And response should be a post type 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Posts
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.234
When I make a request to retrieve a post type 0.227
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should be a post type 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.234
When I make a request to retrieve all users 0.229
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of users 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.252
When I make a request to create a user with the following query params 0.255
username email password roles
admin_test admin_test administrator
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 201 Created" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And username should be correct 0.004
And email should be correct 0.003
And role should be correct 0.045
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.afterCreateAUser() 0.510
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAUsersFeature() 0.527
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.249
When I make a request to retrieve a user by Id 0.246
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper user id should be returned 0.005
And name should be correct 0.003
And description should be correct 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.afterCreateAUserFeature() 0.472
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAUsersFeature() 0.497
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.231
When I make a request to update a user with the following query params 0.245
first_name last_name description
TESTNG Name TestNG Last Name Updated TestNG description
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper user id should be returned 0.005
And First Name should be correct 0.003
And Last Name should be correct 0.003
And description should be correct 0.003
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.afterCreateAUserFeature() 0.470
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAUsersFeature() 0.515
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.226
When I make a request to delete a user by Id 0.267
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And user should be deleted 0.005
And proper deleted user id should be returned 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.002
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAUsersFeature() 0.510
Given An authorized user with "administrator" role 0.226
When I make a request to retrieve my own user 0.249
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper user id should be returned 0.005
And name should be correct 0.003
And description should be correct 0.003
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.afterCreateAUserFeature() 0.495
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.001
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAUsersFeature() 0.514
Given An authorized user with "administrator" role 0.256
When He makes a request to update his own user with the following query params 0.254
first_name last_name description
TESTNG Name TestNG Last Name Updated TestNG description
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper user id should be returned 0.005
And First Name should be correct 0.004
And Last Name should be correct 0.003
And description should be correct 0.015
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.afterCreateAUserFeature() 0.531
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveAUsersFeature() 0.479
Given An authorized user with "administrator" role 0.248
When He makes a request to delete his own user 0.236
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And user should be deleted 0.005
And proper deleted user id should be returned 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.beforeTestsWithSubscriberUser() 0.528
Given An authorized user with "subscriber" role 0.241
When I make a request to retrieve my own user 0.226
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper user id should be returned 0.005
And name should be correct 0.003
And description should be correct 0.003
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.afterCreateAUserFeature() 0.508
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.beforeTestsWithSubscriberUser() 0.538
Given An authorized user with "subscriber" role 0.237
When He makes a request to update his own user with the following query params 0.251
first_name last_name description
TESTNG Name TestNG Last Name Updated TestNG description
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper user id should be returned 0.005
And First Name should be correct 0.003
And Last Name should be correct 0.003
And description should be correct 0.003
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.afterCreateAUserFeature() 0.489
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000