Project Number Date
WordPress 1.0.3fa221 12 Jul 2022, 21:30

Tag Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Tag Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
@UpdateMeAsSubscriber 8 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 1 0.505 Passed
Feature: Users
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.beforeTestsWithSubscriberUser() 0.538
Given An authorized user with "subscriber" role 0.237
When He makes a request to update his own user with the following query params 0.251
first_name last_name description
TESTNG Name TestNG Last Name Updated TestNG description
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper user id should be returned 0.005
And First Name should be correct 0.003
And Last Name should be correct 0.003
And description should be correct 0.003
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.UsersFeatureHook.afterCreateAUserFeature() 0.489
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000