Project Number Date
WordPress 1.0.3fa221 12 Jul 2022, 21:30

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
Categories 51 0 0 0 0 51 10 0 10 5.412 Passed
Feature Categories
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.251
When I make a request to retrieve all categories 0.245
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of categories 0.001
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.243
When I make a request to create a category with the following query params 0.268
TestNG Category Example
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 201 Created" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper name should be returned 0.008
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.592
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.549
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.525
When I make a request to retrieve a category 0.258
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper category id should be returned 0.017
And proper name should be returned 0.005
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.537
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.514
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.247
When I make a request to update a category with the following query params 0.253
name description
TestNG Category Updated TestNG Category Description
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper category id should be returned 0.025
And proper name should be returned 0.005
And proper description should be returned 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.507
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.489
Given I am authorized with a user with "administrator" role 0.243
When I make a request to delete a category 0.237
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And the category should be deleted 0.006
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.286
When I make a request to retrieve all categories 0.246
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And response should have proper amount of categories 0.013
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.264
When I make a request to create a category with the following query params 0.226
TestNG Category Example Subscriber
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
And response should be invalid and have a body with the following values 0.011
code message
rest_cannot_create Sorry, you are not allowed to create terms in this taxonomy.
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.535
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.235
When I make a request to retrieve a category 0.234
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" 0.000
And response should be valid and have a body 0.000
And proper category id should be returned 0.005
And proper name should be returned 0.004
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.541
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.495
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.251
When I make a request to update a category with the following query params 0.239
name description
TestNG Category Subscriber Updated TestNG Category Subscriber Description
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.000
And response should be invalid and have a body with the following values 0.012
code message
rest_cannot_update Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this term.
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.630
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.beforeScenario( 0.000
Before com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.beforeRetrieveACategory() 0.513
Given I am authorized with a user with "subscriber" role 0.255
When I make a request to delete a category 0.228
Then response should be "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" 0.002
And response should be invalid and have a body with the following values 0.036
code message
rest_cannot_delete Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this term.
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.features.CategoriesFeatureHook.afterCreateACategory() 0.491
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterFailedScenario( 0.000
After com.jalasoft.wordpress.steps.hooks.ScenarioHooks.afterScenario( 0.000